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Gobblers with hens all day... Any advice??

Started by theghost_03, April 23, 2013, 11:44:45 AM

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Hey guys, I hunt an area in MN that is what I consider a relatively small area of trees in a deep cut. There are three areas these birds always roost and I have them down like clockwork. Problem is, it's an area with 7-8 gobblers and the last two yrs hunting it I have had terrible luck. I have never been able to pull these gobblers from their hens. They are with them from the moment they pitch outta roost to the moment they pitch back up.  I swear one day they fly down in the spot opposite where I sit and the next day they fly down where I was the day before.  I have tried cutting me off and setting up near their roosts at evening.  I have the hardest time pulling these birds however from their hens. Yesterday morn I was in a calling competition with a hen and pulled her out to within 100 yds but she saw the decoys and spun around and took off. Just looking for some tips on how to approach a new tactic possibly.
"In the spring we STRUT, and in the fall we RUT"


maybe try to pin point where they wana be ...strut zone, field, always helps to be a head of them


Good advice MrBOOOM.

You also might want to stage a fight with some fighting  purrs, a wing and slap it around. Some turkeys love to watch or participate in a fight.


Or you could just bush wack one.     :fud: Good chance if they keep going away from you every day that the hens don't like your competition . Stop hen calling all together if its not working . Try gobbling and fighting purrs to challenge the gobblers or just go ninja on them and bushwack one.
That ol' tom's already dead. He just don't know it yet .... The hard part is convincing him.

Are you REALLY working that gobbler, or is HE working YOU?


Quote from: cahaba on April 23, 2013, 03:43:21 PM
Good advice MrBOOOM.

You also might want to stage a fight with some fighting  purrs, a wing and slap it around. Some turkeys love to watch or participate in a fight.
:agreed: Some mature gobblers can't stand it if they think there is another male moving in on there turf & will come to fight. Seen them charge right in and look for trouble.....


I'll be honest guys I've never tried intimidating a bird other than using a strutter decoy and some gobbling.  Not real sure on how to use a fighting purr but ill look that up and figure it out.  Got em roosted tonight but once again hens are loaded up with them.  Got their fly down to about a 300 yd area every day it's just unreal luck of shoulda been there stories. Thanks guys!
"In the spring we STRUT, and in the fall we RUT"


Got lucky this morn boys!!  Put down a big boy 23 lbs and double beard.  Was not the biggest bird in the group. I kid you not there is another bird in this area that is gonna push 30 lbs.  made mine look small!  The avian decoy and finally some convincing calling sealed his fate!  Pics to come!
"In the spring we STRUT, and in the fall we RUT"


Quote from: theghost_03 on April 24, 2013, 11:09:59 AM
Got lucky this morn boys!!  Put down a big boy 23 lbs and double beard.  Was not the biggest bird in the group. I kid you not there is another bird in this area that is gonna push 30 lbs.  made mine look small!  The avian decoy and finally some convincing calling sealed his fate!  Pics to come!
way to go!!!

Bagg-it Tag-it

Doncha love it when it all comes together!?



Quote from: cahaba on April 23, 2013, 03:43:21 PM
Good advice MrBOOOM.

You also might want to stage a fight with some fighting  purrs, a wing and slap it around. Some turkeys love to watch or participate in a fight.
This^^^^ that's what I would try first.


Quote from: cahaba on April 23, 2013, 03:43:21 PM
Good advice MrBOOOM.

You also might want to stage a fight with some fighting  purrs, a wing and slap it around. Some turkeys love to watch or participate in a fight.

I've had pretty good luck drawing gobblers away from hens by imitating a fight. I get REALLY aggressive! I mean LOUD! And slapping branches and leaves and scuffing on the ground...I generally use a mouth call and a pot call. Lots of chirps and cackles and almost screams, nasty purrs...Anything that sounds like a mad hen. I've actually hidden behind a small cedar and let the gobbler see the wing I'm beating around...He gave up on his hens and came right in...Then I missed him... :-[


Ditch the decoys and put on the sneak is what I would do. I had a few jakes, a tom and a flock of hens for a few hours one morning and I did not have all day to hunt (had to work in evening). When I failed I call in any birds after a long while, even the hens that were picking fights, I started a long job of stalking and put myself in the edge of a field with a strutter and hen. She led him past me at 35-40 yds and I killed him. Tougher than any bird I have called in to the gun and very rewarding. Good luck