Another exciting morning. Blowing like crazy first thing today so I figured I could get away with getting in tight to some roosted birds. I get in the general area and start to move away from where I think they are when I spot a bird out on a limb overhead.. I get the binocs on him and I'm fairly certain its a longbeard so I back up to being just out of sight with some trees/branches between us and set up. As it starts to get lighter I'm checking the trees and notice 2 hens directly behind me on low branches. A late start to gobbling but sure enough he chimed in a few times which sent my heart to racing. Hens start pitching out and next thing I know here he comes.. lands literally 5 yards from me. He hits the ground and immediately has that "I messed up" look and starts to walk away.. I let him get 12 steps out before rolling him with the number 7s. Time of death, 0615. Gotta love it!
17lbs 8oz
9 1/2" beard
1" spurs