So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.(Gen 5: 23-24)
I don't know about you, but I don't like running. So I try to get out and walk every day. Even so, people will tell me that I need to run. And if I run, they say, I will lose more weight. But running doesn't work well for me. After five knee surgeries I get about a half mile and I'm done, so walking is my way.
That is how some people are in their Christian lives. They decide they are going to run for God. So they sprint. They go all out, full tilt. And then they collapse. And then they get up again and sprint. Then they collapse. And so it goes: sprint . . . collapse . . . sprint . . . collapse. I think God would say, "How about just walking? Just focus on regularity. Walk every day. Just consistently walk with Me."
The Bible tells us that Enoch walked with God (see Genesis 5:24). What does it mean to walk with God? Walking speaks of regular motion. It speaks of consistency. It speaks of effort. The Bible doesn't say that Enoch sprinted with God. Although the metaphor of running a race is used frequently in Scripture, in this instance, we read that Enoch walked with God. And the Bible says, many times, that we are to do the same.
Lord, please give me the strength to be consistent as I continue my walk with You on a daily basis. Thank you for all the many blessing's in my life each day. In Jesus name Amen!
Have a good week,