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Central PA birds?

Started by albrubacker, May 17, 2012, 09:41:39 PM

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Any birds still talking? I am thinking of hunting last few days north of Harrisburg. 
Can't seem to shake the itch.  :fud:
Any info appreciated!  Thanks
The addiction will cost you time and money and alienate those close to you. I can give you the names of a dozen addicts — myself included — whose wives begin to get their hackles up a week before turkey season starts and stay mad until a week after it closes.

—Charlie Elliott


birds up here in bradford county are gobbleing a few times on roost and shuting up.ive seen 1 or 2 birds together and they don't have a care at all about hearing some hen talk.the birds ive heard are usually roosted right with the hens,hit the ground and shut up.


I hunted the last 3 days and only heard one gobble at 10am yesterday


Its been a weird year. Some hens nested early and hatched a couple wks ago. Others must have tried and failed, we went from seeing most gobblers alone or with one or two hens to having a pile of hens again. Good news is yes, they are still interested and still seeking hens. Bad news is theyve been hammered with pressure in most places and alot of birds still henned up bad, you'll get a courtesy gobble, but they just arent going to come. But when the going gets tough, the tough go fishing.....or something like that.  ;)
That ol' tom's already dead. He just don't know it yet .... The hard part is convincing him.

Are you REALLY working that gobbler, or is HE working YOU?


I've been out the last two mornings and have not heard any gobbling. I did spot a gobbler and a hen yesterday along a field edge. By the time I got over there they had disappeared. Not giving up. I still have tag #2.
Deer see you and think you are a stump. The Old Gobbler sees a stump and thinks it is YOU!


opening weekend in Lycoming county was full of early gobbles from the roost, and then not a sound the rest of the day.  I havent been out since, but am thinking of taking some time to scout a state park in Chester county (way down in the SE) just for giggles....although i am pretty certain it would be a tough hunt...
It's no fun living so far from good turkey woods!


Not in central PA, but over in Armstrong Co where I hunt, the landowner called today saying that he's still hearing them gobble in the mornings behind the house and he's seeing a couple out in the field.

His nephew who hunts also, said he is now seeing the gobblers with alot of hens again.  He believes that with all of the rain last week, that some of the hen's nests (eggs) didn't hatch, so the hens are out looking to be bred again.

I wasn't there last weekend due to a wedding, but I'll be there tomorrow.


I have been out in southeast PA just about every morning before work and a few evenings too.  I have not heard a gobble since the first monday of the season.  There is not a ton of birds around, but I would still expect to hear a few.  I did see two gobblers the other night in a field, they strutted some, but did not gobble or seem at all interested in my calling.  Hopefully upstate PA is better than it is down here. Good Luck


i`ll actually be hunting north of harrisburg tomorrow,alot of gobbling opening day,since then afew gobbles on the roost and quiet after that.


It's been somewhat quiet here in south central PA. Yesterday was the best morning I've had in 4-5 days, we killed a bird that still had 3 hens with him.

I think the last few days of our season will be good.


Thanks everyone! I will be up there fri, sat & mon. Hopefully put something together1
The addiction will cost you time and money and alienate those close to you. I can give you the names of a dozen addicts — myself included — whose wives begin to get their hackles up a week before turkey season starts and stay mad until a week after it closes.

—Charlie Elliott


I'am hunting S.W. Pa, and the birds are not that talkative on their own, although I'm having a lot of luck raising late morning gobbles. I mainly hunt from 8:00 to noon as I work nights and do not make it to the woods for roost time.

I tagged out in Ohio a week before our Season on two nice ones after 3 days of hunting, where the birds were pretty easy. Started the Season here the following week, and the birds completely changed to being very tough. No mid morning gobbling on their own at all, you really have to work to get them going, but have been able to get them going everyday I went, with the exception of 2 days. Most acted as henned up, and others I did varify with hens.

Managed to kill my first PA bird this Season mid morning after striking two up that came in only gobbling under their breath. The 2nd one I'm still working on as I have had a couple more oppurtunities that just had me handcuffed and couldn't seal the deal. Actually worked gobbling birds I struck up late morning these past 3 days out of 4 that I went. Although they end up gobbling good, they are very tough now, wanting the hen to go to them, or show her self, which makes it even harder as I don't use decoys or blinds when gunning.

Although I'm getting the same report from others, who hunt basically the same areas I do with no gobbling? But like I said they still will respond and gobble but you really have to work the gobble out of them, and this is all Public Land. But as for catching late morning birds gobbling on their own, that's a thing from the past that really puzzles me? Don't think I've run into one gobbling on his own in the last 3 years, they have definitely changed somewhat?


Yesterday I saw a long beard with 2 hens, here in DE on one of the WMA's. about 40yrds off the road
The addiction will cost you time and money and alienate those close to you. I can give you the names of a dozen addicts — myself included — whose wives begin to get their hackles up a week before turkey season starts and stay mad until a week after it closes.

—Charlie Elliott

Will Shaver

Hunt Western Pa. and both me and the boy got birds. He got a real nice bird with a 11 inch beard on the second Friday and I shot one the following Monday. I got a Jake with a 5 inch beard. I didn't get a real good look at him because the woods was so thick and thought he was a mature bird. Oh well, he sure tasted good. We both got the birds later in the morning, they were with hens early.


Fri we had saw hens or heard birds at every setup. No gobbles though. Sat was rough. Hopefully tomorrow morning the fat lady will sing!
The addiction will cost you time and money and alienate those close to you. I can give you the names of a dozen addicts — myself included — whose wives begin to get their hackles up a week before turkey season starts and stay mad until a week after it closes.

—Charlie Elliott