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We interrupt your turkey season for this very important message...

Started by lightsoutcalls, April 02, 2012, 10:07:22 AM

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Lights Out custom calls - what they're dying to hear!


We had an Easter play at church a few years ago,and my good friend Bob played the role of Jesus. As I looked at him nailed on that cross, the true meaning of the "Blood Of Christ" hit me right in the heart.I have walked with Christ for the past 12 years now and it is still so very hard to imagine that he would die for the likes of me.Humbling. :cross2: :cross2: :cross2:


Thank you Lord for Your many blessings, for Your mercy and grace, and for the blood and the resurrection!

Take care and God bless  :cross2:,
Jonathan Young


A few months ago my little girl who will be eight in september accepted Jesus Christ as her lord and savior and was baptised its the little moments like these that make me speechless on how to thank him for all hes done may God bless yall :jesus-cross:


Thank you, Wendell for posting that.. Helped me sit back and think.. THANK YOU, CHRIST!
Hook's Custom Calls
Keep The Fever Custom Calls
Romans 3:24


I am in our Easter production at Church again this year. I will be playing Polycarp. I am asking John questions about Jesus. The play is Fri and Sat.

RIP Marvin Robbins


Eric Gregg

This is what life is all about.....Let's remember this week about what Jesus did for us. Yes, we all didn't deserve it, but that is the whole point!

Happy Easter  :jesus-cross: