I spoke with Mr. William with Sumtoy a couple weeks ago and ordered a choke for either my 870/1187. I wasn't too specific as to what I wanted and just asked that he send me his recommended choke for H13 3.5" 7's. I received my .658 Sumtoy in the mail yesterday.......so of course I had to try it out today. My search is over. Out of the 870 I averaged just over 300 at 40, and around 265 out of the 1187. This post is not really about the patterns. I just wanted to thank the guys at Sumtoy and say I think you're doing an excellent job. I talked with William for about an hour, and he's just my kinda guy. Awesome customer service, he made me feel like I was just one of his buddies calling up to talk guns and chokes. He also offered to exchange chokes until I found one I liked. No need. Thanks again Mr. William. If you need a choke or gun advice, give this fella a call, you won't regret it.