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Update on Hunting Gobbling Rios in February in TX

Started by PalmettoRon, February 24, 2025, 07:38:58 AM

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This hunt that was advertised a while back, just concluded a few days ago. I'm curious how the hunt went. How many adult gobblers were killed? Any pics?

Was whatever financial goal being aimed for to raise money for turkeys achieved?

Was there evidence to support active breeding by the gobblers or was this more like a fall hunt?

Anybody that participated on this, feel free to weigh in.


Glad you brought this back up. I, too, hope we get a report. All I know at this time is that I purchased a ticket...hopefully to see the money go to a good cause...and never heard a word about it since. I hope the organizers will show back up here and give us a report...  :icon_thumright:


I'm sure they had fun and killed a pile of turkeys since there were a lot of jakes in the area from the previous year. I would imagine the difficulty level was pretty low if there were large groups of birds running around. Mother Nature can always be at play to make things tougher, but for the most part, Texas birds are basically walking around from feeder to feeder so it wouldn't be very hard to have trail cameras and figure out their direction of travel and sit there and wait. It's not like a fall/winter type hunt in Virginia where the gobblers can be ghosts. The podcast hosts are very experienced turkey hunters and am kind of surprised they offer this type of hunt (and participate in the hunt) for their raffle. We all want to go kill a pile of turkeys, but if you've killed enough and supposedly "kill them when they are ready" this type of hunt shouldn't "rev your engine" as people say. I still do not understand why you raffle a hunt to "save turkeys" when the hunt could potentially remove 8 longbeards from the landscape before they even bust up and get a chance to breed on a large scale. TFT raffles hunts, but these make a little more sense. They are for one person and during the spring season and I highly doubt "the celebrity" or organizer of the hunt is taking advantage and toting a gun as well. Maybe I'm wrong. We are all chomping at the bit to get out and hunt them. But a raffle hunt needs to make a little sense. But hey if it's legal what can you do right???


Their latest podcast was a Chamberlin seminar from the nwtf convention. The opening of it was live from their turkey camp in south Texas and I know for sure the two raffle winners had killed 1 bird and I believe Andy and Cameron had also killed 1 bird each. A podcast about a month ago or so they said they did meet the goal of donation money that they wanted to and I believe that when checks are written they'll have a podcast detailing exactly where the money is going. But I'm not positive about that. They didn't really touch of the behavior of the birds but did say they had bad weather. Im sure they'll do a podcast in the coming weeks recapping the whole trip.


Thank you to all who helped support our raffle for Texas. We had an absolute blast down there chasing turkeys even though mother nature tossed us a mean curveball. As many of you saw last week, there was a massive cold front throughout the entire country. This was the case for us. Our first day was 30 degrees with a 40mph north wind. Definitely not what you want for a good turkey hunt! Each day was a similar story. Cold/Windy. The turkeys were gobbling good, but it was nearly impossible to hear them. The last morning was only a 10-mph wind and I was able to hear 4 birds tearing it down. Regardless of some of the most challenging hunting conditions, we were able to kill 3 longbeards and had a miss, so everyone had their opportunity at a longbeard. The owners and guides were great! The accommodations were great, and the food and fellowship was Awesome. We will be back there in 2026 Lord Willing! I about jumped out my skin when the giant Rio pictured below hammered a surprise gobble at 40 yards to my left and I turned to see him in full strut. It was epic.

Even better than all that, We are going to be able to donate several thousand $ to both NWTF and TFT.  We will do a full financial review of the raffle next week hopefully on the podcast. We are excited to be able to help these organizations and generate a few grand each for them. Hopefully they will be able to use the money to get matching funds and 10x our investment.

Again, Thank YOU for all of the support. There was some negativity on this forum surrounding our raffle and that is to be expected anytime you post anything these days. But the bottom line is - We are donating several thousand $ to turkey conservation and had a Dang good time turkey hunting.


 :icon_thumright:  :icon_thumright: Thanks for the update and pictures. Beautiful birds...and looks like a great place to hunt.  Hope the funds raised go to a good cause (personally, I would donate the money with a stipulation that it be earmarked for valid restoration efforts rather than just handing it over).

...Wish I could have been there...   ;D  :D


I wouldn't say it was negativity. Let's not forget this is a forum for discussion. Anytime someone presents a topic you should expect people to agree or possibly disagree. In this case a hunt is being raffled that does not have what is best for the turkeys in mind. Just because they are gobbling doesn't mean breeding is happening on a large scale. Along with habitat, the most important thing to having more turkeys is giving them the opportunity to breed. Everything after that is a roll of the dice. Also, last year's hunt was primarily a jake slaughter per the outfitters socials. Again...that kind of goes against the primary goal helping the turkeys and also contradicts what is preached on the podcast. I have actually enjoyed a lot of your jabs at the hunting community that reaps and fans turkeys. I am strongly against these methods, but you cannot complain on this forum that people were negative towards something that has your name tied to it when you have gone out of your way to be critical and maybe even negative towards that controversial topic. Perhaps you should move the hunt back a month next year to the spring opener to where it at least makes a little more sense. Half of the money goes to TFT so the podcast should follow their example and raffle a spring turkey hunt rather than a winter turkey hunt that disrupts what the turkeys are gearing up to do.


I agree with RND 1983. If you don't want critical comments and your raffle objectively examined then don't advertise it on this forum. I am guessing that raising a little more money was a higher priority then taking a little heat and that's fine, just don't cast a stone at those offering an opinion. Now I know I am not buying a ticket in the future.


Again, Thank YOU for all of the support. There was some negativity on this forum surrounding our raffle and that is to be expected anytime you post anything these days.

I agree with RND 1983. If you don't  critical comments and your raffle objectively examined then don't advertise it on this forum. I am guessing that raising a little more money was a higher priority then taking a little heat and that's fine, just don't cast a stone at those offering an opinion. Now I know I am not buying a ticket in the future.

Man y'all are some negative Nancy's. He made one comment about some negativity which if you actually read the previous comments was spot on. He was overwhelmingly thankful in his post and the next two super long post were bashing him.
If you got a problem with someone killing a turkey when the season is open and it is legal this may not be the best forum to be on.


Quote from: RND1983 on February 27, 2025, 06:42:48 AMI wouldn't say it was negativity. Let's not forget this is a forum for discussion. Anytime someone presents a topic you should expect people to agree or possibly disagree. In this case a hunt is being raffled that does not have what is best for the turkeys in mind. Just because they are gobbling doesn't mean breeding is happening on a large scale. Along with habitat, the most important thing to having more turkeys is giving them the opportunity to breed. Everything after that is a roll of the dice. Also, last year's hunt was primarily a jake slaughter per the outfitters socials. Again...that kind of goes against the primary goal helping the turkeys and also contradicts what is preached on the podcast. I have actually enjoyed a lot of your jabs at the hunting community that reaps and fans turkeys. I am strongly against these methods, but you cannot complain on this forum that people were negative towards something that has your name tied to it when you have gone out of your way to be critical and maybe even negative towards that controversial topic. Perhaps you should move the hunt back a month next year to the spring opener to where it at least makes a little more sense. Half of the money goes to TFT so the podcast should follow their example and raffle a spring turkey hunt rather than a winter turkey hunt that disrupts what the turkeys are gearing up to do.
Quote from: eggshell on February 27, 2025, 06:51:59 AMI agree with RND 1983. If you don't want critical comments and your raffle objectively examined then don't advertise it on this forum. I am guessing that raising a little more money was a higher priority then taking a little heat and that's fine, just don't cast a stone at those offering an opinion. Now I know I am not buying a ticket in the future.

I did not see the author as "complaining" as much as pointing out that not all forum members felt postive about this fund raiser...

There is a fine line, if any between being critcal and negative....

If someone points out that I am fat, I see that as a "negative comment," whereas my doctor states he is simply being "critical" for my own health. :goofball:

I suppose if the turkey population seems unaffected, that this hunt might continue in the future.  If the ranch sees a substantial decrease in turkey numbers, I suspect we will not see future hunts...  I would be one of the members raising some critical questions...  However, if I were drawn on the hunt, I would be inclined to go.  I (admittedly) would be opposed to such a hunt on property I hunted locally though.
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


I guess everything is a matter of perspective. I took his comment as, "in your face forum members who disagreed, we made money and that is what mattered". He wanted his last word or he wouldn't have posted the last sentence. I do believe they have every right to hold a raffle for a legal hunt and are free to do so. I disagree with the biology of allowing it and that responsibility lies with the state of Texas. My "opinion" is in line with RND that the hunt might be better received if held later. Ironically TFT has been touting new research about the breeding season and importance of flock dynamics. I believe that is the concern, not just being negative Nancys, but hey call me whatever you want. I still ain't wearing a dress turkey hunting.


Everybody is so sensitve these days.  Sheesh. 

