The link posted earlier is similar to the process I've used in the past. Only difference is for degreasing I didn't do ammonia, I just stayed with a good squirt of Dawn and continued simmering for a while after the caps have been removed. Then the bones go into some peroxide. You can probably get away with the cheap readily available 3% if you let them soak a few days, although that 40% certainly expedites the whitening process. The caps can be pulled off pretty quick in the simmer and then the soft gunky stuff underneath scrapes off with ease. A drop or 2 of whatever glue you have on hand should secure the caps back nicely. I've also touched up the caps with the black sharpie before just to get them all shiny.
This process can be used for wing bones and other taxidermy like skulls, etc. It's pretty much just making sure they are well degreased so the bone doesn't yellow over time, and then whitened.
Have fun and post up some taxidermy projects!