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Snake Encounter / Turkey Hunting

Started by Greg Massey, February 15, 2023, 09:59:04 PM

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Greg Massey

Share your snake encounter stories.  Back years ago one morning i was sitting on the edge of the field with my back against an oak tree and it was one of those warm mornings with pretty much no wind. Around 9:30 while i was blind calling I had a turkey gobble down the field but he was out of my sight. As i listening and getting excited i hear this rustling noise and i was looking up at the old dry leaves on the oak tree and was think, that sounds like the wind but those leaves aren't moving all of a sudden i look down beside my leg and it was one of those BIG HEAD BLACK RACER SNAKE and i came up off that ground leaving behind my gun, call and parts of my pants it scared me so bad needless to say i didn't hear the gobbler again and after cleaning myself up I easy back over to my gun and calls and i didn't see the snake anymore the reason of the season i had this paranoia of snakes next to leg while turkey hunting the rest of the season..  I still believe to this day that the snake was 10 ft long..LOL   


Ain't much going to get me stepping like a freaking snake!!! Please don't take this as bragging because it ain't,  there ain't a lot that scares me.  But a dadgum snake will make my heart skip a beat. As I was reading your story it gave me chills!!! I already know, oh they're more scared of you,  well I will take your word for it. You can have all of them!!!

Have a good one, Bo

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Blessed are the peacemakers for they are the children of God.


I had my son w/me at the time 11/12 years old. We were walking down a logging road on a nice bright sunny day. I thought as we got closer, something was out of place.  A huge black snake covered  the whole road, I thought no way one could be that BIG. About 10 yards this thing took off like a rocket! Scared the crap outta me!!!! Jr.. turns  to me and says... What are you so scared about dad? I didn't sit still the rest of the hunt. 
"If You Call Them,They Will Come."


Snake encounters are common here in my region , cotton mouths / copper heads / timber rattlers are the most common.  Wear snake leggings most archery season and turkey season . My cat like quickness has turned to more Sloth like in my 50s .  Many many close calls through the years . But the one that stands out the most is not hunting related .  Had a 5 foot rattler slither out from under a lawn mower while blowing leaves off it . She came towards me instead of there normal retreat . After taking care of her with a brick . I started blowing the mower off again . Ended up killing 10 more about 10 inch long each that came out .. that's how I know she was a she .


Got bit and hugged by my Ball Python Axel once.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Arnold Schwarzenegger

John Koenig:
"It's better to live as your own man, than as a fool in someone else's dream."


First time hunting MS.  Was concentrating on my compass walking through a block.  I heard a loud hissing noise (never heard that sound before, but I immediately knew what it was.  In that split second, I knew what it was.  My left foot was hovering about 10" above a timber rattler.  I have never screamed like that before or sense.  The amount of things that went through my mind in the split second of my jumping back still amazes me today.  I was over a mile from the truck then another 30 minutes or so to cell service. 

Never went back to that block of woods.  Never will either.
This year is going to suck!!!


Hunting in NW Missouri, nature calls. I find a perfect "bathroom", a brush pile with a 6" tree on the edge. I am maneuvering into position and I got a weird feeling and looked down behind me. There was a copperhead coiled up approximately 8" from where my" exposed parts" would have been. Needless to say I couldnt go to the bathroom as I had" tightened up" due to the heart attack I was having, lol. He was very angry and left slowly but reluctantly. When I could move, I slunked off the other way. I appreciate the snake for not being more aggressive. Z


Almost sat on these with my brother at his lease in Texas a few years back. Eleven, and nine rattles respectively. Thank god it was a cold morning, they were not aggressive. I set up 10 feet from them on a sondero in a cactus patch. My brothers friend enjoyed them on the grill.......


Living in the desert of the southwest, I have had many encounters with rattlesnakes (really the only poisonous snakes we have to deal with).  I have had enough encounters that I have developed "snake radar" wherever I go.  That is, I am constantly checking the ground where I am walking.  On rare occasions, my radar will fail and I will get "enlightened" by a rattler that I have gotten a bit too close to.  Even so, I have never had one strike at me, and there have been plenty of times when it would have been easy enough for one to give it a go. 

Regarding turkey hunting, our (Merriam's) hunting occurs at elevations mainly above 7,000 ft., so encounters with rattlers there are extremely rare, and almost always in that 7,000 ft elevation range rather than anything higher than that.  I have never seen a rattlesnake above 8,000 ft., and only a couple between 7-8,000 ft. 

That's one of the benefits of hunting at higher elevations.  Unfortunately, it is offset by a lack of oxygen...   :D


Dang Zelmo1 that is a worst case scenario for sure. I don't know if you could walk back to the truck after taking a venomous bite to the family jewels.  I always take a good look around before I put myself in this position.

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This was early one morning before light. I musta disturbed her cause I could see the attitude change. Didn't look at all scary at first than it became almost cobra like. Sorta Flattened its hood and started spitting venom. Was afraid I'd get bit so I grabbed my boots and coffee and left the room. Close call

Tail Feathers

Sitting up against a tree, gun on my knee at the edge of the woods, calling to some birds I had spotted down a logging road.  Caught movement and looked down to see a rattlesnake crawling between my heel and my behind. 
Instinctively I screamed like a third grade girl, kicked at it and butt jumped about 20 feet, landing on my feet in the logging road.  I actually kicked at it twice to push it away, all in about two seconds I think. 
After my heart slowed, I replayed it in my mind and thought that the snake may have struck at me after I kicked at it.  I looked at the hard black toe cap of my snake boot and yep, two small wet spots in the dust on them. 
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Never had a snake experience but this is a good thread, very interesting
Stand still, and consider the wonderous works of God  Job:37:14


Almost stepped on this one In Florida a few years back. No warning it was there just happened to look down as we were walking. Both of us about jumped out of our boots.

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Scouting in a clear cut one week before the season.  Walked out into the middle as there were creeks all around and good place to listen.  Right at gobble time I am listening intently and hear something rustle to my right.  I knew before I looked.  It was a monster Copperhead.  Like 30+ inches long and fat.  He is on collision course with my leg/boot, so I just lean back and ease my legs up.  He proceeds under my boot and right on by.  I had no firearm and this chop was so clean there was not anything longer than a foot to smack him with. 

My nephew was lighting a p-burn in the forest and catches movement to his right as the snake strikes. Huge rattler actually tangles fangs in his pants leg but misses him.  He dumps the fire pot on him out of reflex and the snake takes off, lighting fire as it goes and makes a ring of fire around my nephew. There was already a bit of black he could step into thank goodness. He said he probably would have freaked more after the near miss, but then he had to worry about getting ringed by fire.  I thought it sounded like he made it up and was picking on him, but his buddy was with us and just shook his head and said "If anything, it was more scary than he is making it sound". 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.