My youngest made the best of his last youth day with a beautiful bird. 4:30 wake up and we got set up in the dark and had a bird hammering on the roost at 125 yards when it got light. Bird probably gobbled 40 times in the tree but flew away from us as we saw him sail down, then silence . Finally heard him one time in the bottom and we made a long end around. By the time we caught up to him he was headed across some riverbottom fields headed to the river. Got him to answer a call a couple times but couldn't stop him and across the river he went. Worked our way across the mostly open bottom and set up on the backswamp next to the river as it was our only play. Bird started gobbling across and downriver from us and got him to answer a call or two . After about 20 minutes he gobbles one time directly across the river from us and then silence. Another 20 minutes goes by and I notice my son who is about 10 yards further down from me has shifted his gun and is looking down the bottom and I start to wonder. 5 minutes later and I see black at 25 yards in some thick vines . Bird would strut then periscope up then back to strut but barely moving. Took another 5 minutes but the bird finally moved into a shootable position and my son smoked him with hardly a flop. 21 lbs even on the scales 1" spurs and 9.75 " beard , a beautiful bird in a beautiful setting. So proud of my son as he has really developed as a hunter. He made all the right moves at the right time with no coaching from me. He actually saw the bird long before I even realized the bird had flown back across the river and me watching him is what alerted me that the bird may be close.This was his 5th youth day bird and was a great way to close it out . All in all , a great day . Beautiful bird in a beautiful setting and memories made . It never get's old ...