You've learned a lot this year scoot, birds can and will be a problem if your not set up in the right areas. You have to be close if not right in the area a bird wants to be. You've also learned a lot about calls and calling. I don't care if your a world class caller if you don't have a call that plays the right way it is dang near impossible to get a bird close enough for a shot. That is why you hear so many guys having birds lock up at 50-70 yards, because if your call goes flat when you play it softly that bird will lock up. A call should sound exactly the same when you yelp normally or tree yelp the only difference should be the volume, a birds voice doesn't change they still have the same tone, pitch, raspyness as they do when the yelp or tree yelp, if your call goes flat good luck at bring a bird to the gun. As for what calls I use the most are, cutts, clucks, and purrs to seal the deal, very few if any yelps. The more time spent in the woods listening to birds the better your calling will progress.