Last season during a lull in activity I walked up to an opening in the woods and sat down and blind called for awhile. After about an hour without hearing or seeing anything I stood up to leave but noticed something bright red about 125 yard into the opening. It looked like a flower of some sort but I put the binos up and gave it a look and darned if it wasn't a turkey head, I could make out an eye and a beak. It appeared to be lying in the weeds, certainly it knew I was there but I sat back down anyways and after a few minutes called to it. Nothing, eventually I began calling more aggressively and it finally stood up and walked away. Unusual behavior for these freaked out public land turkeys and I quickly developed the belief that the turkey had seen me originally walk up and just lied down and hid instead of running or flying off. I though I had learned a little something about turkey behavior but recently the thought of that day crossed my mind again and this time I realized that a turkey probably wouldn't have a bright red head if it was hiding from a predator/hunter. What are everyone's thought on this, Isn't the bright red head only for aggress type behavior?