I have done a little playin around with the buffering the last few days, and really dont see it as big of a problem as i thought to carry a pre buffered load afield! My initial hunch with the film canisters and the cotton balls works slick
The shot/buffer mix packs nicely into the bottom of canister, followed by 2-3 cotton balls, and then finally on top of that can be the over shot card/wad! Over time the buffer will all get siftened to the bottom, so the key is goin to involve taking the over powder card/wad and the cotton balls out, then replace cap, turn upside down and flick side of film canister a few times! After that, turn film canister back over open and pour shot/buffer mix down barrel into shotcup! The film canisters can also be pinched a little when pouring into barrel which will help avoid and spillage
I kinda wish my season wasnt over, cuz id be pattern testing!!!