Well my season had started off a little rough with my South Carolina trip being canceled because of the virus. This left me with plenty of time to prep my youngest son for Maryland's youth day. This worked out well because the spot in which I wanted to take him boarders a pond we goose hunt and the fishing was started to pick up. We made 2 trips to fish the pond and both times the bird gobbled his head off prior to roost.
Youth day arrives and I have my son set up well before light. I have this bird hammering from the limb in the dark just before legal shooting time. As if he read the script the bird gobbles his way in going into full strut 20 yards in front of us until he laid the hammer down.
20 minute hunt and he scores on a monster of a bird. After he shot, he took a deep breath and said, "Dad this was great". Memories forever.
Now comes my season. Since working a ton of hours and taking phone calls my time has been somewhat hard to get but I did manage some opening weekend time. My season would start with Jakes every hunt I had. I called in jakes every time I managed to hit a new spot up until today. The birds have been quiet the past few days and when vocal they haven't been to cooperative. I managed to call to a hen for over an hour this morning figuring she had a gobbler in tow. After an hour of talking back and forth, she came in with gobbler in tow. While I watch her feed I hear that wonderful sound of spitting and drumming. Well he rest is history.
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