I live in southern indiana and our season just opened up on the April 22nd. Im hunting a 60 acre farm hillside woods and a large fields in a creek bottom. Second day of season i had a DSD jake and upright hen decoy out and had a nice gobbler on the edge of the woods. He wouldnt come out in the field just stayed on the opposite edge and about 5 minutes later 3 jakes came out of nowhere in single file and started flogging my jake and breeding my hen. Once the jakes left i had the same gobbler going to check out a hen in the field and he got another glimpse of that jake decoy and was like he saw a coyote he was gone. I figured a jake hen combo would be good for early season but apparently not lol. Should i give up on this combo and use a single hen or keep using it? Even though our season just started it seems like its mid season the way the birds are acting. I have a DSD upright, feeding hen, and 3/4 jake. Im new to this so im all ears and take all the advice i can get. How do you tell what phase of the season it is in? By date, weather etc? thanks a ton