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Funniest/Dumbest thing you have seen a turkey do?

Started by huntineveryday, March 21, 2020, 08:26:23 PM

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Swim, yup they can. I was moving in on a bird and and there he was swimming across a pond, never expected that one.


Tail Feathers

I didn't see it, but a friend asked me one time what ritual he saw a bunch of Rios in S. Texas doing.
He said it was fall, he was deer hunting when he saw about 20 turkeys come single file down a trail.  He said they got to a circular opening, probably 80' across and suddenly the lead bird started running around the perimeter of the circular area with all the birds giving chase in single file.  My friend said the all made three laps at high speed and then as suddenly as it began, the lead bird turned and left the area on foot, walking with the flock walking behind her in single file again.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!




Quote from: Happy on March 21, 2020, 09:02:11 PM
Years ago I had a pet wild turkey gobbler and hen. I had them from poults and raised them with the intention of keeping them as pets. I named the gobbler clyde and the hen Henrietta. Anyways as clyde grew up he was quite tame to me and would follow me around the yard. More often then not strutting in circles around me. I would often hold him in my lap but he seemed to think that rather undignified and would still try to puff up and look manly. He wasnt very trusting of others and didn't want touched by them. Staying just out of reach and strutting. He would come up and eat out of people's hands or peck at shoelaces as long as no one reached for him. Anyways a family friend stopped over one day and was standing in the yard chatting with us as clyde did his normal routine. This fellow was smoking a cigar and after trying to pet clyde a few times he gave up on that approach and held his cigar out to see what clyde would do. Old Clyde's curiosity got the better of him and he slowly walked up and was closely eyeballing that cigar when the fellow reached out and burnt Clyde's snood with the end. This made me mad but being a kid I kept my mouth shut. Clyde hopped back shaking his head for a few and then went back to strutting around as usual. About fifteen minutes later this fellow had to water the bushes so to speak and walked to the corner of one of our buildings to take care of business. Clyde saw his opportunity and when the fellows back was turned clyde came out of strut and raced across the yard and gave that fellow a surprise flogging before running back to me and going right back into strut. I really liked that turkey

This reminds me of a story that happened to me as a kid...

My grandparents had chickens and would get a turkey to raise for Thanksgiving. Not every year but once in a blue moon.

I was maybe about 4-5 years old.

The older that turkey got, the meaner it got. That thing used to chase me around the backyard the minute it saw me haha. It chased me around the backyard in circles  until I jumped up on the dog house. (My grandfather built our lab a very nice dog house. It was maybe about 4ft tall)
Anyways the top of that dog house was my safety. That Jake would try and spur me on the top of the dog house... just jumping up the sides of it trying to get me. After about 20 min and me crying and yelling for someone to come and get me the bird would lose interest. I would have to sprint full speed ahead to get to the patio and shut the door behind me. Sometimes it would catch me trying to get off and run back to the dog house and start the cycle all over. Sometimes mom or grandpa would have to go and scoop me up. Sometimes I would make it to the patio.

One day I came home from school and my younger cousin was crying... I asked why and she said that grandpa killed the turkey and that we're gonna eat it for thanksgiving. Part of me tried to sympathize with her but, I was thinking to myself "honestly... I'm glad we're eating that thing"


Saw my first bearded hen many years ago. She wad walking towards me on a logging road late in the season, stopped and darted into a bush. She came up with a small snake, which she pecked to death and ate. This was before camera phones. I still don't believe it.  :OGturkeyhead:


Lately we have had a group of about 20 turkeys hanging around in our back field.  There is a young jake in the group whose version of strutting is not to puff up, but rather just stand in one spot and spin incessantly.  The first time I saw it I wondered if was sick with some brain parasite or something.  However, I realized he starts doing it exactly when the other jakes strut.  The funny part is the others stop strutting and he keeps going for a while.  I think he's so dizzy he can't even see!

All of the tools, some of the skills!


About two years ago I took a youth and his father hunting. We had a gobbler responding near a food plot we happened to be near just after daylight so we decided to set up on him there. We put out two decoys, a hen and a jake. The gobbler we were working went quite and all of a sudden we hear what we thought was him coming in silent through the hardwood leaves behind us. Well, out pops three jakes not making a sound. All  three headed straight for the hen and went into full strut. They circled the hen several times and then one of them jumped on top of the hen. As he tried to balance himself with his wings, the hen began to rotate and the more the decoy rotated the harder he tried to balance himself and the faster she rotated. This went on for over ten minutes and he never fell off. The other two jakes continued to strut around the hen while all this took place. He finally jumped down off the hen and the three of them walked off.


 School bus stopped in the road with a gobbler fully fanned out going chest to chest with the front bumper


I had a fall deer hunt on a FLA WMA years ago. I was hiking in a long way, so I loaded my climbing stand onto my deer cart, and put my backpack and rifle in it. Every time I hit a bump, and there were lots of them, the climber would slide on the deer cart and make a high pitched, whistle like noise. About 10 minutes into the walk in, I rounded a corner and there were 3 hens and a jake headed down the trail in my direction. They of course spooked when they saw me. I can only assume they thought the noise was like a kee kee.  ??? During the hunt, I saw a jake walking by about 100 yards out. I did my best kee kee imitation by whistling (it sounded awful ;D), and the jake turned and walked straight in.

Tail Feathers

I had a spotless gobbled stop me in the road, strutting in front of my truck.  Walked right up to my door.  He left two he s to chase me out when I left.  Maybe I can find those videos.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


I was calling to a distant bird, had cut the distance and sat down, was just lightly trying to see where he was (I still have no idea, he shut up after only three gobbles).  I heard a bird clucking behind me and she yelped once, so I just purred a little back.  I could hear her behind me, but could not look.  Then I heard a bird fly down right behind me - where I had just walked!  What the heck?  After a good while I decided to chase a bird my bro had heard earlier and when I started easing out, she busted out of a tree.  It was her flying up, not a bird flying down I had heard - a good hour after daylight.  No idea what was on her mind.  That was this morning. 
Psalms 118v24: This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.