The biggest mistake I ever made turkey hunting was finding the mother lode of gobblers down in a creek bottom and assuming I could hunt that bottom and get a shot. After 3 seasons I gave up. I invariably had them going uphill away from meand I ended up chasing them every day. I finally wised up and started on the top of the ridge and that's when I started becoming a successful turkey hunter.
That bottom was so enticing. It had a phenomenon that has rarely been mentioned. In a decade as a pro-staffer, I only met a few other hunters who knew what I was talking about. The gobs would all roost in the trees lining the creek, and they would get to gobbling and pretty soon there were waves of gobbling going up and down the creek and the waves were interacting with each other like ripples on a pond. It was positively sublime. They'd only do it a few times a year, and if you weren't in the bottom, you couldn't catch the effect.