Well gents...it was freaking cold, wet and white out there in SoDak...but I was able to get it done...Not great scoring birds but as Nik says..the prairie bird are for the stories...the big boys come from Iowa, Mn, KS and Ne...IDK but it sure was a lot of fun...even if I was by myself...that way if I screwed things up...It would be on me and only me...LOL!!!
The night I arrived there it snowed like 2"...man it was cold and wet..and kinda freaky driving on the bluffs, thought I was gonna slide right off em!! As it warmed up it was followed by rain all day...I had never been there before so the morning set up was just a little off...hunted till 1000 before I couldn't feel my hands...went to camp and dried out, warmed up and got back to it later in the day. That evening it was sloppy as all get out and still raining lightly, however...the good ol DSD'S girls sealed the deal on the first night there...Clementine and pretty Peggy-O were able to bring in 21 hens with 4 strutters behind them...and it was then hammer time!! This young bird and his three brothers showed up looking for love and it was over quick. Good thing the girls were behind me and to the left. I was behind a tree and had to ease up the gun to get a shot...25 yards and it was time for a ride in the truck!!
Not he greates scoring bird...but what a beautie
8" beard
3/4" spurs and weighted almot 17lb...I'll take it for a first Merriams!!