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Anyone interested in directions to a honey hole?

Started by Rzrbac, April 23, 2018, 06:04:16 PM

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The addiction will cost you time and money and alienate those close to you. I can give you the names of a dozen addicts — myself included — whose wives begin to get their hackles up a week before turkey season starts and stay mad until a week after it closes.

—Charlie Elliott


That's to funny, I have met some good folks here in Ms. On public land that couldn't give that good of directions


Just had to post that. Reminds me of my son when he was little, too cute.


Sun Shine State { Osceola }

noisy box call that seems to sound like a flock of juvenile hens pecking their way through a wheat field



Good stuff right there. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Actually...  That sounds like a lot of the old folks trying to give me directions to hunting spots they no longer use...   Last weekend an elderly gentleman spent a considerably amount of time talking (sounding like this young man) and drawing me a map with a bunch of spirals on it...  I smiled, and thanked him for his time...
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


Dr Juice

Thx for the directions, I will keep 'em a secret