The area that I normally hunt is mainly 30 year old and younger pine trees. The area is also laden with thick underbrush, briars, yaupon etc. The area also has hardwood branches and creek bottoms, however, those are very thick as well (but not as thick as the pines).
The forest service said that the woods are on a 5 year prescribed burn rotation, however, they are lucky if they do it every 10 years.
I managed to kill a bird on this public land last year. He managed to walk into the clearing I was on from a deer trail that a person would have a very difficult time walking through.
I do find tracks along some of the roads, but there aren't many roads in the area.
Any ideas on where to scout? Would I be better off emphasizing my time scouting the few openings in the pines, the transition areas where the pines turn into hardwoods in the bottoms, or the bottoms themselves?
Also, would you scout it any differently if the woods had been recently burned?