Let me start by saying Mr. Daryal is as fine a gentleman as they come. Yesterday I went to the mailbox and found the box from him that was meant to contain the new striker idea he came up with and that he sent me to try. Upon opening not only did I find the striker but he had also included one of his crow calls for me. To say I was shocked is an understatement. I've thanked him a 100 times atleast so I figured one more wouldn't hurt. The crow call is gorgeous and the sound is even better as to be expected from him so thank you again Mr. Daryal! I can't say it enough! On to the striker. For those who don't know, Mr. Daryal wanted to make a striker that was "weight adjustable" to the user. He has the top of the striker drilled where you can add tiny weights, insert a Allen grub, screw it in, and have a completely different weighted striker. Out of the box with no weight added the striker runs really really well and has a great feel/balance to it. It is black locust so it sounds pretty darn good on just about any playing surface. After some playing around I found the best way for me personally to run it was adding a fair amount of weight to it. It becomes a soft talk/purring killer. Really deadens the sound on any pot you run it on and makes the soft stuff come easy. I personally think it's a pretty neat idea from Mr. Daryal and was honestly surprised with how well it plays/works. Again thank you Mr. Daryal and hopefully some of you fellas will give the striker a go! Thanks for the read guys.