I was curious which of my calls had the highest decibel levels. I like a loud call for running and gunning so I figure this could help narrow the calls down. I downloaded the Decibel Ultra app and played all my calls with the same striker. Here's what I found:
Crystal Mistress: 120 db
Dawkins stoned aluminum: 118 db
Lonzo Acrylic crystal, Houndstooth aluminum & Atomic 13: 116 db
Ghost Maker crystal and Reynolds's ceramic: 114 db
Lonzo slate: 111 db
I've had the most luck striking birds with my Crystal Mistress and Dawkins stoned aluminum. This shows why as they have the highest db levels of the calls I tested. Maybe this will help with my call selection in the future. It will also help me pick the best call/striker combo for locating.
Either way, the app was free and this was a fun experiment!
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