I was walking to a creek in SD this year because there had been a pile of turkeys in there that morning but I had a poor setup and then after a few hours it downpoured. I came back around 1pm and decided to setup in the creek bottom and wait. The problem is that there was absolutely zero trees/cover until you got by the creek. Walking across the prairie I noticed 3 bright red heads periscoped up staring at me from 80 yards away. Birds obviously saw me, but did not run away. I turned away from them and walked slowly towards the timber at the edge of the creek 200 yards to the east of their location. Once I hit the trees I walked in a short ways and setup my gobbler lounger and a decoy. I did no calling for 30 minutes, and suddenly I heard three birds start gobbling. Looking to the top of the creek bottom I saw three fans coming my way. The birds walked right by me, but before they got to the clearing where I had a shot they cut across the open prairie. I don't think the birds were spooked and were definitely kill-able, but I set up too far down in the creek bottom. Were I closer to the top I would have had a good opportunity. I'm starting to think that where you set-up is probably the most important thing in turkey hunting. Unfortunately it seems I always guess wrong on where to do it!