Had a good quick hunt this morning. Been on this bird before. He did not gobble well on limb. Got set up and before I could call saw bird working down road I was watching, it was a hen. Worked up road and turned in pines. Made sure nothing was dragging behind her and called. He hammered behind me to left. After first call I could bearly call for his gobbling.
Finally decided I needed to reposition to figure out exactly where he was. Went. Down road where it meets a power line and listened. He hammered and was right down the bottom to my left. Looked around and found a spot that I could shoot when he popped up on ridge. I waited for a quiet period and yelped. He went quiet.
A couple minutes later I saw his head pop up. Was just his head so I waited. Then he turned and strutted up the ridge. Could see his whole body so as soon as he stopped and stood up I shot. He dropped and flopped all over. Was a lot of fun!
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