Isaiah 32:1..." Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgement."
Jesus Christ will rule It is that simple. No matter how many people deny this, no matter how many turn their backs on Him, Jesus Christ will rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
When God wants something He is going to get exactly what He wants...he wanted a lowly shepherd the youngest of eight sons, the most UNKLIKELY to be chosen as King, to be INDEED king...and we have King David ... isn't it amazing that God can do what He can even defy the laws of nature....a bumble bee....big fat round bumble bee, with tiny wings...scientists have proven, according to the laws of nature that it cannot fly...but God wants it to fly...and it does...look at yourself, do you see what others sees in you or do you see what God sees in you?
Are you living according to what others "tag you" with or are you willing to take a leap of faith and live according to what God wants ? Think about this lil' bumble bee, imagine the first time he fluttered his tiny wings, it must have been an eye opener when he took off...God wants you to be all that He has designed you to go for it...flutter those wings of faith..and fly.......God Bless...pappy