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Calling turkey opposite to a field across the street...

Started by Bigeclipse, April 12, 2017, 03:57:21 PM

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I just moved into a new house with new property (120acres in NY). I mainly hunt deer but do some turkey hunting as well. While shed hunting a couple weeks ago I ran across some turkey sign (dead female turkey killed by coyote I guess, turkey tracks, droppings...etc.) which got me pretty excited. I was not on this property last fall and have not hunted it at all so I was not sure if it was holding turkeys. this week got even better as I have been seeing turkeys crossing the street I live on all this week in the morning leaving for work. It seems a bunch of the turkeys are crossing off my property direct across the street into the neighbors field (who I do not know yet). My question is...do you think I can call some of those turkeys before they go across the street and have them go the opposite way to me or would I be better suited trying to find some lonely woods gobblers which are rare but I am used to that anyways.


There are more turkey than just what are crossing the road that being said those birds will be back on your side mid morning hunt them off the roost if you are unable to call one in get back in those woods mid morning.


If they're leaving your property every morning, it probably means they're coming back there every night.

Sleep in and head out in the afternoon.


Quote from: bghunter777 on April 12, 2017, 04:05:40 PM
There are more turkey than just what are crossing the road that being said those birds will be back on your side mid morning hunt them off the roost if you are unable to call one in get back in those woods mid morning.
here is a pic which might better show my situation.  The yellow line is the road im talking about that they cross. The red lines are the boarders of the lower part of my property. The Blue circle is the part of the woods I see the turkey's leave from and where I think they are roosting. The blue "X"s are where I have seen them strutting in the fields this past week. Do you think I can call them off the roost towards my property or will they likely ignore and just head straight for the fields... like you said I am going to try anyways haha


Quote from: lhprop1 on April 12, 2017, 04:16:20 PM
If they're leaving your property every morning, it probably means they're coming back there every night.

Sleep in and head out in the afternoon.

unfortunately state law only allows us to hunt until Noon


Anything is possible, but what I would do is wait until 9 or 10 then setup on the left border of your property in a good ambush spot and blind call.  I would certainly do a drive by to get a visual of fields.  They seem susceptible to coming back to a roost position/ location a few hours after they fly down.  It will be hard to pull them off hens at flydown, but I think if you wait until they start separating you will have better luck.  This technique will only get easier as the season progresses with more hens nesting. 


Why don't you set up on your property between them and the field access points? Sounds like a decent first shot deal


As a land-owner, you might have a good opportunity to speak to your neighbors about gaining access to other properties...  First thing I would do would be to find out who owns the properties, and start introducing yourself.

At some point in the season, there does come that magic time...  When the hens first start leaving the toms mid-morning to go to the nest, and those toms are still eager for romance...  That is my favorite time to hunt, and birds seem willing to travel for the attentions of a willing hen.
Did I do that?

Fly fishermen are born honest, but they get over it.


Quote from: Bowguy on April 12, 2017, 08:09:35 PM
Why don't you set up on your property between them and the field access points? Sounds like a decent first shot deal

none of my property goes between them.  If you look at the picture I uploaded the blue circle is where I think they are roosting, however, they could be roosting further back or further to the left side of the picture...anywhere in that general area of woods. Opening day for us is May 1st so still a couple weeks to go.


A lot can change in 2.5 weeks...

That's plenty of time for you to meet your neighbors and see if can get permission.

I'd also make sure that I had a good-sized mowed area in that clearing you have in your woods.


Quote from: Bigeclipse on April 13, 2017, 08:11:25 AM
Quote from: Bowguy on April 12, 2017, 08:09:35 PM
Why don't you set up on your property between them and the field access points? Sounds like a decent first shot deal

none of my property goes between them.  If you look at the picture I uploaded the blue circle is where I think they are roosting, however, they could be roosting further back or further to the left side of the picture...anywhere in that general area of woods. Opening day for us is May 1st so still a couple weeks to go.
Thought you said you saw them were leaving from your property front


First i would get up early a day or two before season and get outside and listen to where they are gobbling on the roost.

Second it'd be a good opportunity to meet the neighbors and feel them out just talk about the turkeys you see and gauge them, If they seem nice or don't hunt maybe ask if you could hunt just the field and see how that goes.

Third, yes i think they can be called off the roost to you before they hit the field or later in the morning, might not be easy but absolutely can be done.

Fourth they will continue to break up the flocks as spring goes so some of those birds could end up on your property roosting.

If you have good timber and are still seeing scratchings that means they are spending time in your woods which makes them killable.

Good luck, I've seen your posts on Archerytalk as well about deer. You have a nice property to get out and learn I hope you have lots of success on it 
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