I look for areas that have burned...I've found that turkeys will even roost in the burnt trees. Last season I called in a bear and a bobcat, and I killed a nice tom a few years ago that that been attacked pretty bad and had gangrenous lesions on the breast and legs. I wouldn't make much noise either! I work the logging roads until I see sign and then work those areas. This has worked every season for me here in Colorado. The San Isabel NF is much better than the front range. I got my bird on May the 4th this year and I heard several turkeys gobble right after they left the roost then nothing for a few hours. He responded to my call when he got close. I've found also that you have to follow the snowline as it recedes. This week, a person will have to be 1000 ft higher than I was last week. I absolutely love chasing these mountain turkeys and they are a challenge.