hey everyone sorry i have been absent lately. Things are crazy here between getting promoted at work, school, 5month son, training my 5 month puppy and now house hunting. Things have been nuts say the least.
About a week ago i killed the bird I hunting on opening day here. After hearing that single gun shot on opening day, i just assumed he had been killed. I went and did a evening hunt 1 time with not hearing a thing or seeing any sign, so i just assumed since he was the only bird i heard all season that the coyotes have killed a lot of them off. Boy was i wrong.
I went on the last sunday in April and once i hit the gate i heard a bird sound off. I quickly made my way another 400 yards with hearing a few times. I decided to hoot like an owl to get him pin pointed down. Then when he gobbles I quickly realized he was the same bird from that first day. After making my way to 38yards from his tree and watching him strut and gobble in the tree for 20 minutes and listening to his little buddy to try and gobble. I saw a hen fly down behind me. This time i was between him and his hen. 5 minutes later he flew down and 2 minutes later he came walking by towards his hens at 60 yards. With the jeb chokes and hevi shot mag blend i let the ol gun bark. He was hit hard at making his way bad to the woods once he was at 40-45 yards i hit him again, but this time he dropped like a sack of potatoes. He didn't move one time. I have to say jebs chokes and magblend is a deadly combo.
if i send someone pics can y'all post them for me please