Crusaders 585.9875 (9 toms)
Tennessee Dream Team 573.1825 (9 toms)
Trumpet Thumpers 564.7825 (9 toms)
Spur Collectors 535.354 (9 toms)
Choot'em N-D Face 526.4875 (9 toms)
Widow Makers 520.127 (8 toms)
Gods of Thunder 519.0775 (8 toms)
Guns and Hoses 419.1225 (7 toms)
Thunder Beards 416.67749 (7 toms)
Roaring 20s 317.1925 (5 toms)
Headhunters 258.855 (4 toms)
The A Team 256.74 (4 toms)
Strut Stoppers 213.37 (4 toms)
Eastern Assassins 175.305
Team Noob 117.8
Full Strut Productions 59.04