Well this isn't too exciting of a story. Before sun up I got on a group of birds behind our awesome neighbors house that let's us hunt. They would just absolutely hammer but wouldn't close the distance. That's when I decided to, I grabbed my killer b and worked over the ridge and around the opposite side. I crawled up on top of the hill I'd say I was 40 yards strait above them. I could only see about 6 yards then the hill rolled over. I could tell there was a gobbler and several jakes in the group. I didn't want a red head to pop up at 6 yards and end up slamming a jake so I decided I'd crawl to the end of the hill and look down on them.......mistake I guess my 6 foot 250 pound frame isn't that sneaky. Once I tucked my tail and headed back to the truck I realized I had my fishing rods in the truck. I figured I'd go on down to my gmas and stick a few lips. As I'm pulling into her driveway I see a lone strutting gobbler. I once again grabbed my killer b and loaded a longbeard xr into the 535. I crawled down to the field next to the field he was in and stuck the jake out and threw some of the most sexy hen talk out of my o.s.s......
Nothing so for about 10 minutes I sit there calling wondering if I bumped this bird. I think it's possible because he couldn't have been more than 100 yards from where I set up. I decide to crawl to the next field. I crawl up to the strip of brush and I feel like a rabbit because it was so thick. I look right and nothing I look left and nothing so I go to take another scoot and as I look left again there he is full strut just 30 yards to my left. I turn my scope on and slowly get positioned. I let out a few yelps just to see if he will come down the edge for a 5 yard shot but he just turns and turns. With that I push the safety forward and squeeze off the 3.5 inch #5s. The sound of the shot hitting that bird was unmistakable. I was excited to take some nice beautiful pictures with him. Well he managed to flop over about 10 yards and find a sink sized water puddle to get all ugly in.........like I said not a awesome hunt where they work calls and hammer decoys but he will no longer stand in that field and tease me as I drive by.