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will a cool snap shut him down?

Started by ThunderChickenGetter, April 23, 2015, 08:24:50 PM

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Been out the past two mornings im pretty sure ive got one that i can get on in the morning Hes been gobbling good on his own. The lows for the past few nights have been in the mid 40's but its supposed to be around 36 in the morning. Will the temp drop shut him down or should he keep on blowing the woods down?



There's no doubt that I'll be in the woods, I was just wondering what to expect with the cooler temps


I don't get the warm fires em up and the cold shuts em down. Does their vocal cords freeze shut when it gets below 30? Do they stay depressed all winter? All in good fun :) Honestly I will take a 30 degree morning over a 50 degree morning


I honestly feel that cooler weather does affect them, just as it does the fishing, so does the barometer!


Quote from: Izzyjoe on April 23, 2015, 10:52:08 PM
I honestly feel that cooler weather does affect them, just as it does the fishing, so does the barometer!
We ain't fishing and we ain't trying to get turkeys to feed ;). Come March thru May turkeys breed. Some days they blow the bark off others not a peep but I guarantee it's not cause they are cold, hot or the barometer isn't right ;)


we had heavy frost here this morning and the temp was minus 3 that's cold    the toms were going like crazy in the trees thy started at 520 this morning and kept gobbeling till thy flew down ,,I will be out Monday morning for sure cold or not Dutch


the 100% correct answer in the turkey woods is.. maybe?!?
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Well It didn't affect them one bit. Birds gobbled like crazy on the roost and on the ground. Had one come I'm real tight but couldn't get a shot off


If he shuts down it won't be because of the cold.   36 is nothing, they will tear it up at 28 if they feel like it.   But sometimes a turkey that gobbles really hard a couple days in a row will shut down; I don't expect one to keep gobbling really hard for too many days.


I would take a cool/cold clear morning over a warm rainy morning.  I have heard some of my best gobbling on cold mornings.  The only ones that know are the turkeys.   :funnyturkey: