My experience is not all that extensive...
Early in the season can be tough for me as well... Mid-season when the groups are split up, and the hens leave the toms mid-morning is when I tend to have success...
But, early in the season, both the toms and hens are establishing dominance... The jake and hen combination has worked for me in two ways:
1. Dominant hens trying to establish dominance get worked up and come in to beat up the hen decoy... Hopefully leading a dominant tom or two with her. When I hear a vocal hen early in the season, I cut her off every time she calls (one of the few times I will use the call aggressively)... Seems to make them mad.
2. Dominant tom sees the jake with a hen decoy, and comes in to establish dominance with the jake... Calling here is far less aggressive and limited to clucks and purrs.
Every area is a bit different, and birds will behave differently... If something obviously does not work, I then try something different the next time out. That frustration is what seems to keep me going out. Lots of frustration...