The value is in the eye of the beholder and who will pay what they are asking. Not all custom call makers take extra time to make sure that the calls they make are equal in quality. Some calls are worth more than others coming from the same maker. The truth is turkey calls are like fishing lures , a lot of them catch more fisherman than fish. I own several custom calls and production calls. Just because it is custom does not always mean better. Some of my production calls will blow some of my customs out of the water. That being said , my grandfather killed a many gobblers using a piece of cane thAt he sucked on like a wingbone. The american indian ever used some type of green leaf they blew on turkeys. Does it take a 300.00 call to call up and kill turkeys , no it does not. It does not take a 20000.00 rifle to kill anything walking. A 400.00 rifle has the same results. As hunters we will drop the money if we believe that it will make us better. Nothing wrong with that , but with turkey calls i will never spend more than 200.00 on one and before i do that i will make darn sure its the next best thing to sliced bread. This is just my opinion. To each his/her own.