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Has anyone used the hs strut squealing hen call??

Started by Songdog2012, May 02, 2014, 12:31:13 PM

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Hey fellas, i have never been one to buy into all the gimmics surrounding turkey hunting, angood slate call and maybe a couple different mouth calls. But i was at wallyworld the other day and picked one of these calls up on clearance for 2 bucks! I figured what the heck, it cant hurt to have something different in the vest right?

Has anyone ever used them good or bad id like to hear about it, i raise turkeys at my home and have actually heard the "squealing" sound they make when the gobbler mounts them but i only have one gobbler for breeding so ive never got to see if it has any effect on another gobbler. Seems possible but who knows.

ol bob

Guess why it was 2 bucks. You should have waited for your change.



Dirtnap, that is exactly what i was thinking last night while i was messing around with it. It soumds great as a distressed critter sound lol!!!

I wont be useing it this year for turkeys as i just filled my tag a few hours ago off of my trusty pot call. Not bad for 30 mins into the opening days hunt!!


I think mine went into the recycle bin. If I recall, I used it and scared the life out of a gobbler...Good thing, it was only two bucks. Great yard sale stuff!  :)


Thats funny i recently talked to a self proclaimed "turkey hunting fanatic". An older gentlemen. He tried telling me that the squealing hen is  one of the best calls to use. I politely disagreed and he said hes been raising turkeys for years and every time a tom gets on one to breed the hens make that sound. Well i dont dispute that but i have never heard a hen make that sound  in the woods. Maybe it would work 5% of the time who knows.IMHO though, you could not pay me enough money to carry let alone use one while hunting. I would choose the cheapest worst sounding store bought call any day over a squealing hen. H.S. Strut has really been pushing some complete junk calls lately. Have you guys seen the cruncher deer call?lol.


This call got great (HA HA) reviews on the site last year.  :TooFunny:
If I had a dollar for every gobbler I thought I fooled I'd be well off!