I took my 10 year old grandson went out for his first turkey hunt this morning. I think I should call him twitchy from now on. We had a jake pop out right in front of him at 20 yards and he never saw it. Admittedly it didn't stay there long but sheesh, it was in the road!!!
Called up a longbeard strutter about an hour later and it strutted right by him under a small hill and even with me pointing at it he couldn't see it.
In a minute it popped out from behind that hill at 30 yards and he pointed and whispered loudly, "Grandpa, a turkey! Can I shoot it!?!?!"
Needless to say the bird left.
Oh well, he heard lots of gobbling. I think next weekend we may take the blind. If I could just harness the energy of his constant movement I could be rich.
But man we had some fun today.