Had a Great morning today. Went to a public place that we have had good luck at over the the years. I took the girlfriends grandson along with us. First time he ever went hunting for anything. Thought I would take him out for he could see what its all about before next weekend. I got him signed up for a youth hunt at one of the local refuges that do a turkey hunt in the park.
Well when he got to hear his first one gobble on the roost all he could say that was cool. So we got set up on him about 200yrds away. He gobbled hard on the limb and after fly down but he went around us about 80yrds just gobbling his head off and walked away.
So after he walked off we went up to a ridge where we have a lot of good luck on. We set up the blind about 10yrds from where I killed one last year at. We never heard a turkey for a couple hours of sitting there. He said he was starting to get cold so I told him in 30 minutes we will leave at 10:30.
Well at 10:18 we saw a jake walking our way. My buddy was up first to shoot and he decided to shoot it.
http://youtu.be/kMtRONuGNGo After that I asked if he was still cold. He said nope ready to stay longer now. Well we heard more turkeys coming from the same way. So I got my bow ready. You can see where he walked right past my buddy's arrow.
http://youtu.be/18FHfoi64iw Needless to say he is excited now about his chance for one next weekend.
And this is where both birds laid at.
The aftermath of the Bullhead broadhead.