I use an oil and wax finish on all my stuff. Easy to do, no dangerous odors to mess with, easily repairable, great protection. A thin oil will get into the pores and protect wood pretty good. I use several coats allowing drying time in between. (I also wet sand with the oil to fill the pores to start with btw)
Cons are there too, drying time, coats, etc.
The wax over the top does a lot too, but will dull quickly...but a quick buff with a cloth will shine it back up, plus, its easily replacable. I use a good paste wax inside my bores after I complete the oil finish inside there.
I quit using CA finishes 10 years ago, as I discovered it will chip/break/crack, and if water gets under it, it just becomes rubbery and starts peeling. It is also a little involved getting it fixed as well. Not to mention the fumes...no thanks. I only mention CA finishes because that is still the rage, but I think more people are discovering its shortcomings and are asking about oil finishes again....kind of a cycle in callmaking. Having said that...nothing captures the grain and makes things look pretty like CA. And I know guys like it because it seems to stand up to DEET ok.
Lots of calls sell on the forums because they are shiny, people love shiny finishes. People are to hung up on that imo.
Ive done the Gorilla Glue finish (same as CA) Devcon Epoxy finish etc, and was never happy with any of the "glue" finishes.