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Real World Thoughts - Leafy Camo (aka Ghillie suits)

Started by bamagtrdude, February 25, 2014, 11:03:57 AM

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TurkeyTrot, I'm not disagreeing with anything you're saying; I do believe a lot of "hype" has entered the turkey hunting circles.  That's why I posted "Real World Thoughts" vs. "Marketing Hype Thoughts"...

To me, one of the biggest benefits of the leafy camo apparel is not the leafy-ness of it -- but, the fact that it's sewn on a mesh shirt/pant, which could *really* keep you cool during hot weather.  I talked to a buddy of mine locally that borrowed a suit from a friend, and he said it worked great to keep the mosquitoes & bugs from tearing him a new one.  I think breathability & bug repellent are awesome benefits of the suits, but ...  I was curious to hear people's real world examples of how well it worked as a camo "pattern".

I kidded someone who bought a suit like this a long time ago, & called it "Gucci Camo", and kidded him about it all season long!  Hehehe...  I killed 3 birds that year with "plain" camo & he didn't bag a single bird.  He quit after that year.  ;)
Bama Guitar Dude (bamagtrdude)


Here ya go, not sure of the date but that gun has been retired ten years now. The main thing is the suit comfortably hid the uniform beneath it effectively.
"Turkeys ain't nothing but big quail son."-Dad

"The truth is that no one really gives a dam how many turkeys you kill."-T

"No self respecting turkey hunter would pay $5 for a call that makes a good sound when he can buy a custom call for $80 and get the same sound."-NWiles


Quote from: THattaway on February 26, 2014, 01:45:23 PM
Here ya go, not sure of the date but that gun has been retired ten years now. The main thing is the suit comfortably hid the uniform beneath it effectively.

Nice bird, man - and, again, see what I just posted up; for me, I'm really interested in it from the angle you just mentioned above -- an "over-suit" for underwear, if you want to!  :)
Bama Guitar Dude (bamagtrdude)


I now use a leafy jacket when I hunt almost all the time.  The way I view it is simple.  It can't hurt to have it.  I have had numerous turkeys, fox, deer ect. come within yards of me since switching to it.  I have had song birds land on my shoulder more than once.  Would I have killed the turkeys I have without it?  Probably, but if I think it helps then why not use it?  I know you can kill turkeys by being still and in jeans and a shirt with any old shot shell from Walmart.  I like to try and improve and give myself the best chance to kill one with nothing to chance.   It is part of the fun of the sport to me.   It's like cuz Strickland says, "it's your hunt".   :icon_thumright: 


Quote from: WVhuntEER on February 26, 2014, 02:17:57 PM
I now use a leafy jacket when I hunt almost all the time.  The way I view it is simple.  It can't hurt to have it.

NWTF Booth 1623
One of my personal current interests is nest predators and how a majority of hunters, where legal bait to the extent of chumming coons.  However once they get the predators concentrated they don't control them.


I agree with WVhuntEER.  Hunt the way YOU want to hunt and don't be browbeat into conforming to someone else's ideas about how to hunt.  If a leafy suite adds to your hunting enjoyment then you WILL hunt better.  I am not some new upstart to the sport.  I am 54 yo and been killing these birds since I was 20.  I moved from a 30" sporting gun to a short barrel tactical gun because I feel it has advantages.  I also use a leafy suite because I feel it has advantages. I don't use blinds and decoys not because I feel they are "contrary to the old ways", but because they would hinder me the way I like to hunt.  And if I see something I feel is hype then I simply won't use it.  But I won't be stuck in the "old ways" if I see something I think makes sense.


It really gets hot here about mid season, the leafy suit is the coolest camo I have.


Used leafy suites for years. Switched to non leafy bottomland last year and noticed no difference. Actually had birds within 3 yards of me. I'm my opinion it's all about movement. Now saying that a leafy suite may allow you to get away with more movement but I liked the non leafy cloths more.