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Lawncare/Weed Control

Started by GomerPyle, March 06, 2014, 10:07:28 AM

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When we moved into our house last summer, it had been sitting vacant for almost a year and the lawn had been neglected even when the previous owner was living there.  So now I'm trying to get this stuff under control.....I know I have a lot of clover.  In the 2nd pic, you can see what I think is fescue that's coming up in a lot of places.  Then there's the most widespread stuff which I'm unsure of what it is - can anyone Identify it in the 3rd/4th pictures below?  it's dark green with a purple bud on the top - and in the 4th picture, you can see how widespread it is (notice the neighbor's yard in the background that is virtually weed-free by comparison)...I probably should have been putting down a pre-emergent all winter, but didn't (due to what may have been incorrect advice).

So, for those of you with a little lawncare and weed control experience, what do you think this is, and what would be your plan of attack this spring/summer?  (note:  I'd like to tackle this myself, as opposed to hiring a lawn service, if I can save a little money doing so)

A picture of the base turf - I'm assuming this is Bermuda, correct me if I'm wrong

Fescue (I think?) coming up in a lot of places...

The weed I've yet to identify, but the most wide-spread:

[From a buddy re: turkey hunting]
"the best advice I can give you is to run from it like it's crystal meth"


Definitely bermuda and you've got a pretty good base.  From my experience, bermuda is low maintenance and is almost impossible to kill, so that's good news.

I have no experience with fescue, but I do have the same purple-topped weed that you have.  I'd mow it down immediately and once the bermuda begins to green up you shouldn't have an issue with it... or at least I don't.  It's just one of those weeds that shows its face at this time of year before green up.

Hopefully a lawn expert can chime in on a product for weed control.  I'm interested to know as well
People who don't get it, don't get that they don't get it.


2-4 D should kill that broadleaf stuff if the bermuda can handle it.I know fescue can.

"There are turkey hunters and people who hunt turkeys.I hope I am remembered as a turkey hunter"


That weed is henbit, a cool season weed. It will go away when it warms up. Google henbit.
Terry E. Kiser from Southeastern Illinois

Mike Honcho

I agree, henbit, a winter annual.  Lawn herbicides that contain a mix of 2,4-D, mcpa,mcpp are good on this.

I think PBI Gordon makes this, not sure of trade name.


I round-up my yard before the Bermuda starts to green up at the roots and then just use msma when the temps start to get up in the summer. The hotter the better with the msma. My Bermuda is for the most part weed free. All Bermuda really needs to take off is fertilizer and water.