As I was heading through security the other day, they grabbed my bag and said they would need to look inside. Since I knew that I had no choice, I patiently waited. They started pulling EVERYTHING out of my bag. Things I hadn't seen in years. As they were doing this a lady came up to me and whispered to me, asking me what I do for a living. I told her and she said,. "so you're not in law enforcement"? I said "no. why"? Well we found a gun clip with bullets in it. Ooooooohhhhhh nooooooo. I had been traveling the week before in my car and had my weapon and an extra clip in my bag. I removed the weapon but must have left the clip in the bag.
A cop shows up and I apologized, admitting that was stupid. "It's also very expensive" ,..he said. "like $50 a bullet"! Of course it was a large clip with 15 rounds so I quickly did the math and almost freaked out. He asked me what I wanted to do. I said I want to have you throw it all away and I can catch my plane. He said he couldn't do that. So finally I just asked what my options are and he could either confiscate the clip and fill out all of the paperwork and let me take it up with a judge, or he could escort through security, give me the clip and let me run it to my car. I jumped all over the second option. I had to go all the way to a different terminal where my car was and run all the way back, covered in sweat, and barely made my flight.
Stupid, careless mistake that almost cost me a lot of money and a missed flight. Could have been a whole lot worse. That cop was very cool! I asked how often this happens and he said several times a day! I was shocked that there are that many bone headed people out there. Lesson learned.
Anyway, be careful guys!