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George Zimmerman Is A Free Man !!

Started by vaturkey, July 13, 2013, 11:40:11 PM

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If George Zimmerman was black, this shooting would not even have hit the papers. You know it, I know, and the whole world knows it..
They shoot each other on a daily basis, for much less..

Ladies and gentlemen, the elephant has officially left the room...
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


GobbleNut, when you speak of what was reported are you talking about the actual papers that were filed or what was reported on media? You speak of what APPEARED to have happened and what the investigator APPEARED to have done or not done. Could it be that they did a much better investigation than you think and could find no evidence for charges. If there were any grounds for charges why did the warrent need to be falsefied. It sounds like you're saying that if the locals and FBI had done a better job at investigating in the first place this uproar may not have hapened. Fact is all they wanted was charges filed and a trial. They got one and it didn't satisfy anyone.


Quote from: longspur on July 17, 2013, 03:38:07 PM
GobbleNut, when you speak of what was reported are you talking about the actual papers that were filed or what was reported on media? You speak of what APPEARED to have happened and what the investigator APPEARED to have done or not done. Could it be that they did a much better investigation than you think and could find no evidence for charges. If there were any grounds for charges why did the warrent need to be falsefied. It sounds like you're saying that if the locals and FBI had done a better job at investigating in the first place this uproar may not have hapened. Fact is all they wanted was charges filed and a trial. They got one and it didn't satisfy anyone.

More good points made, longspur.  You may well be right in your analysis.  Perhaps adequate investigation was done.  I can honestly state that I don't know for sure.  It most certainly is a fact that, in the end, the outcome verified what the investigating team initially concluded.

Would the country have been better served if the entire affair had been swept under a rug and nothing done.  Maybe so but, in this "information age", that is not likely to happen anymore.  Once again, this turned out to be a very good "test case" for the "stand your ground" laws.  Hopefully, people will see what happened here and use better judgement in the future. I suppose that might be the silver lining, if there is one to be found, in this whole affair.

Regardless, I am still of the opinion that all of the political posturing, on both sides, is not necessary and is counterproductive to all concerned.


This case provides an excellent learning lesson for the minions:

Don't attack an armed man--you might get yourself kilt.   


and what would the "stand your ground" law have to do with this? It was never used

Old Gobbler


I feel sorry for this person who was shot , and his family

But its turned into a political circus in a grandiose scale , that I doubt we will ever see again in our lifetime

Question: do you see CNN journalists asking the POTUS, NAACP, J Jackson or Sharpton ( self proclaimed men of god) about why they help make it legal for millions of people to use abortion as birth control , millions killed every year.... most of are poor inner city types , blacks topping the list ? Who to blame for that massacre? Don't worry millions will duck their heads and change the channel to MTV where the kids are all getting a brainwash education from Hollywood- if these guys wanted to save as many people from murder I suggest they stop being Leper Messia's , man up and do what Jesus would  want you to do , instead of being popular with woefully missinformed and fooled again crowd ....again my deepest sympathy th the family of Mr Martin

This week my hat is off to the governer and votors of Texas for saving some lives in this world by passing some meaningful legislation and getting the ball closer to the eventual goal line
:wave:  OG .....DRAMA FREE .....



I wasn't going to comment on this post, because of my strong beliefs, but after reading it I am going to say my 2 cents worth.
1. It is sad that a life was taking, not lost, taken....
2. I don't rely on the media for making judgement calls, when we have the worlds best investigative branches within our court systems.
3. When God said "thou shalt not kill" it didn't matter age, sex, race, size or whatever....He said it and that is the way it is....in this sense the word kill in Hebrew refers to the word "Ratsach" which means: Murder; ie - to Murder, a Murderer; to dash to pieces. Also we see words like "smite" which in Hebrew means "Nakah" or to murder, "slay" in Hebrew is "Harag" which is to smiteth with deadly intent, it is clear that "intent" plays a major roll in defining these words.
4. No...the word kill does not have any discrimination.
5. I do not foresee any of the attitudes changing, when it comes to violence of this sort, humans are humans and humans make wrong decisions, no matter how influential a person may be within their environment, they should keep their judgements to themselves and let the justice system prevail.
6. My final thoughts.....I saw a life taken, noone except Mr. Zimmerman and God now knows the truth of the matter, NO ONE.... and if Mr. Zimmerman can live with what he did, so be it, I feel this event was exploited "Politically" and by the "Media" to gain ratings and support from certain ethnically backed sources for future usage. And as long as we as Americans allow this to take place, we will continue to play "who's the blame game" or "who is right or wrong game" instead of living our lives the way God intended for us to live them.
my new email is paw.paw.jack@sbcglobal.net


If I had a son... Well never mind. :deadhorse: