Thanks guys.I was already leaning towards the Fed hw 6s due to the density of the shot and the fact that i know my setup works well with the hw 7s.I just wasnt sure if i should pass up the oppurtunity to buy the rem hevi shot since it was discontinued quite a while back. But from my research guys had best luck with them thru aftermarket chokes and im still runnin the choke that came with my gun the lead only rsf.Ive been thinking hard about gettin a nice aftermarket choke for my gun but theres no need to fix something that isnt broke. That choke has killed over a dozen gobblers over the years.And, it works quite well with the hw 7's. One more question for u guys. What numbers are you guys getting @ 40 with the fed hw 6s and the .572 rsf? If i can get 110 -120 i think id have a winner.