My grandfather was born in 1913. He wasn't what you would a call a very vocal person, but when he said something you had better listen. He passed in 2006. We all had gathered at the hospital late that night and my uncle said it best, "Boys, right there lays one hell of a man." There wasn't a dry eye in the place.
I personally know Duff Holbrook who lives in McClellanville, SC. He was responsible for the trapping and moving of turkeys and deer in SC in the 1950's. Duff will be 90 this month and still turkey hunts. He pioneered the trapping of turkeys with the rocket net and is largely responsible for why we have so many turkeys today. Other states mimicked his techniques because they were so effective. I actually went by his house today and visited with him for a while. He has forgotten more about turkeys and turkey hunting than most will ever know.