I shoot a Rem. 870 with a Gobblin' Thunder choke tube. I initially used the Win. Supreme XX (red) 3.5" #5. My buddy had some of the higher velocity shells (black) and we patterned better with the high velocity shells. I thought the higher velocity shells might "blow the pattern" as I have read in many waterfowl magazine articles, but the pattern tests showed otherwise. I bought the Win. Supreme HV and just used up my last XX (red shell). Either shell will consistently kill a turkey at 45 yards, but I switched because the Supreme was just a tad better out of my combo. My dad shoots a Rem. 11-87 with a Primos Jelly Head and the 3.5" #5 Remington shells and also has a decent 40 yard pattern. The only way to know which will be best is shoot some paper with each, but I would bet any of the above will work fine within 40 yards with a decent turkey choke (I killed my first 4 birds with a $20 Tight Wad choke and the Win. XX shells and did just fine).