Turned some copper calls yesterday morning. The little guy was up at 6 so I figured I'd make the most of my time before heading out for a round of golf around 2:30. Some of the calls are for orders, one for a trade, and one that I owe to ol' Bullock as the result of a bet I lost with him. The night before Bullock and Jeff McKamey left for Nashville, Jeff and I were exchanging texts, wishing him him and Bullock good luck, etc., it was also the night of a North Carolina / Duke game. I was talking a little trash to Bullock through my texts with Jeff and Bullock came back with "put your money where your mouth is." I tried getting the points, but Bullock insisted on the bet being straight up, I knew the odds were against me but agreed to the bet anyway. The deal was either I got one of Bullock's scratchboxes or he got one of my copper calls. It looked good for me at half with North Carolina up 4, but Duke outlasted my Heels in the second half... Nothing worse than your team losing to the Dookies *cry*
The calls are spalted Maple Burl, Amazon Rosewood, Pau Ferro, Eucalyptus, Katalox, Pink Ivory, Flamed Osage, and lastly Bullock's call in Maple Burl.