Season finally opened Saturday. Got out to our spot bright and early. Was more of a scouting trip since me and my buddy both work crazy schedules. 6 hours and 4 miles later, we had our area pretty well scouted out. Found plenty of tracks. A nice big roost with fresh sign. And we managed to take his girlfriends son and straight wear him out. Plan is to get back out Thursday (his next day off) and get set up. Well, weather man said we were supposed to get a couple inches of snow. We're over a foot already and it's supposed to snow through tomorrow night. Good news is they say it's supposed to be back in the 50's on Wednesday. Gotta love Colorado. Oh, and the boy. We got back in the truck to leave and we told him he could take a nap. Serious as could be he tells us he's to old for naps (he's 9). Not even 30 seconds after I started the truck, he was snoring. But when we got back, he was begging to go again
. Safe to say we've created an addict in the next generation.