Guys I got down to my lease yesterday afternoon about 4:30. I parked my turck and startied to walk and hunt my way to where I wanted go. About 15 minutes into my walk, one of my weekend warriors (AKA Deerhunter wanna beturkey hunter), buzzes by my on his four wheeler. He stops and we expalin pleasantrees, and he tells me where he is headed, and off he goes nosiy four wheeler and all. Then another few minutes go by, and I here another of those god forsaken machines, and the buzz by me as well. So I changed my plans and decided to hunt the federal land that borders Our lease. I made the thirty minute walk over to where I thought I might be able to catch a bird late in the evening. I got set up and prepared for along wait. I hit my ceramic pot and did some light purring mixed with a few clucks. About 5 minutes later I catch movement to my far right. iT WAS UNMISTAKEABLE, THE WHITE CROWN OF AGOBBLER! This portion of NF I was hunting has been burned and there is no ground vegitation, so you can see forever. This bird is about 150 yards away, but he is coming my way. He keeps stopping and looking for the hen. At one point I thought he had made me, cuase he stopped and briefly turned adifferent direction, but then turned again and continued on. When he was about 60 yards away, he started to change course and go parrelll with me instead of coming strait in. He walked behind a huge pine,a nd when he did I adjusted and got the gun up. A few minutes later he hit what I estimated was the 40 yard mark, and I let him have it. I ran up to my prize and gave a celabratory shout. I couldn't and still cna't beleive my good fortune. I estiamte He weighed around 18#, had one inch hooks, and he has one strand of beard that hit the 12 inch mark. Not giant, but a great trophy, and I am happy to get him in woods hunted as hard as these. Guys I didn't ahve ascale, or anything to weigh him with, so I did not enter him. From now On I will carry all of that stuff in my truck. I used my timer in my camera to take these pictures I think they turned out ok.