I would love to be able to sell guns but the dang B-ATF is some bad news - It would be a matter of time before they were called in on a deal gone bad - there are some real criminals out there ,and if the site was implicated it would involve me going to court for it
For example I had a guy years ago who stiffed countless callmakers out of plenty of money , went on bad etc... we kicked him off , he later caused trouble by even writing a slanderous statements all over the internet , and then a letter to a charitable group claiming we discriminated against disabled people .....BTW I have a Autistic son ...... but anyways turns out this guy is a carrier felon with a rap sheet 9 pages long in Florida alone , drugs , burglary ,assault on a Law Officer , on and on with more - on the internet he is a hero , but in real life if you were ever sell him something prohibited YOU would be in some deep poop cause he is not allowed to be near a firearm -It is best to leave these transactions to people set up to do it legally and professionally
I have no problem with people mentioning there is a desirable item as some location , this is cool - I think your sp10 will sell good this time of year --Shannon