I have a huge safe in my house but keep extra guns in my house in this manner ----
Go to Home Depot and get Eye-Bolts (big ones) , some lockable cable lock or heavy duty bike type lock , and some large masonry drill bits and install the Eye-bolts into the floor of your closet or wherever - the more bolts the better -- this will make it harder for someone to try and extract /wind them out with the lock on them - when people break into a house they want to get in and get out real quick , they wont have 1 hour or more to unscrew bolts
If you are in a rented apartment peel back a corner of carpet in your closet to install the bolts , when your lease is up , pull out the bolts and roll back the carpet - and your done
Also , MasterLock Python locks are great for this application - I keep a python lock in my truck while hunting and run the cable through the barrel.... out the action and wrap it around the base of the car seat - this keeps people from breaking into your car in camp , or while roosting birds in the afternoon
a quick search on ebay yielded this item but there will probably be other types of bolts that are more theft resistant
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pack-of-5-masonry-anchor-eye-bolts-M8-x-14mm-/280899889889?nma=true&si=Eimiv8fTWG7KybEz19dyOc9fHlE%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557you can run the cable lock down the barrel or through the trigger assembly - the more eye bolts in your foundation the better , same for a big , big cable - Shannon