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Started by Hognutz, October 26, 2012, 09:40:07 AM

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May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.


YOU should be ashamed of yourself...placing an eagle behind that coward..he doesn't stand for anything this country was founded on or stands for.. he's gutless and a liar.. the worst we've ever seen in our lifetime. Which one of the above hides his cash in off shore accounts so that he doesn't have to pay his fair share like you and I do.. WHAT'S more UN-American than that!! Who has worked all of his life to close American companies and harvest the money from the workers pensions.. WAKE-UP already and look at who and what he really stands for......... PLEASE remove that eagle, your disgracing it.

busta biggun

Really Frank? You need to do more research instead of listening to liberal media propaganda. Under Romney's leadership at Bain Capital, they invested in or started more than 100 companies. Looking at only 4 of these companies they added over 120,000 jobs. He was also able to help several other companies that were struggling to keep their doors open and keep jobs. 80% of the companies that Bain invested in were able to grow their revenues. It's called free enterprise. Juxtapose that against Obama who used billions of taxpayer dollars to support companies that shipped jobs overseas. Additionally Obama gave billions to these "energy companies" like Solendra that ended up failing.

There is no evidence to support the accusation that Romney, when he was running Bain, shipped jobs overseas. While there IS clear evidence that several companies that Obama and the American government supported, shipped jobs overseas. Read it for yourself:http://aboutmittromney.com/business.htm

Lastly I have no idea how any hunter would want to support a president who is clearly attacking our second amendment rights. I am not sure if you are joking, (I hope you are) but if you are serious, I encourage you to do some research instead of listening to your union leaders. Romney stands for all of the things that makes America great. Obama is trying to reduce us to another failed, socialist, country and is more interested in pushing his own personal agenda rather than what's in the best interest of the people he was hired to represent.


[quote  PLEASE remove that eagle, your disgracing it.

To be brutally frank, Frank..I think Obama is disgracing Big Bird..
May I assume you're not here to inquire about the alcohol or the tobacco?
If attacked by a mob of clowns, go for the juggler.

busta biggun

Eric Gregg

Quote from: Frankinthelaurels on October 26, 2012, 10:26:31 AM
YOU should be ashamed of yourself...placing an eagle behind that coward..he doesn't stand for anything this country was founded on or stands for.. he's gutless and a liar.. the worst we've ever seen in our lifetime. Which one of the above hides his cash in off shore accounts so that he doesn't have to pay his fair share like you and I do.. WHAT'S more UN-American than that!! Who has worked all of his life to close American companies and harvest the money from the workers pensions.. WAKE-UP already and look at who and what he really stands for......... PLEASE remove that eagle, your disgracing it.

Well Frank, at least we know the following:
1. Where Romney was actually born and that he is a real U.S. citizen
2. Romney hasn't ever been accused of hanging around communist and people of questionable character
3. At least we know that Romney is a Mormon and not guessing about his real faith
4. Romney is a qualified leader with real experience as a SUCCESSFUL business man and governor instead of a Senator who happened to get the highest office in the world with just a slogan

Your boy is going to lose and I know that is hard for you to deal with, but you have 12 more days to prepare yourself for it.


WOW.. Frank I am just lost why people still support Obama. You don't seem like his typical supporter. I am guessing you work, support the 2nd amendment, are middle class, not part of the entitlement era, and not a minority/gay (not trying to sound racist/hateful, just trying to break it down into Obamas main supporters) so I just don't see how anyone who is not getting free handouts or laws in their favor can justify Obama getting another 4 years to rape the working class of their money in taxes and most importantly to continue to let him walk all over the constitution. It makes me sick to see how anti American Obama is and still have people support him in large numbers. I pray he doesn't get reelected b/c I really don't think our country can take it. It is scary to think that we could become a country much like the ones we have fought to free throughout our history. Please help me try to understand what he has done that warrants him another chance. I am all ears if you can.

Tail Feathers

Frank, I guess you think having a presidential chief of staff that was on a subversive group watchlist is more American?  Or maybe re-distribution of wealth?  Or submitting to UN authority on gun control?  Doubling the national debt in three years? 

Or maybe the son of a Kenyan political dissident in more American?

I really don't think you get it.
Love to hunt the King of Spring!


Get over your racism boys!! As I said don't disgrace that awesome bird by putting that coward in front of it--put the French flag up or the Cayman Island... Free handouts/entitlements-your full of crappolla !! I paid more money into the social security system in the last 40 years than you've ever made..it's no free handout or an entitlement... I paid for what I get!! Stop the nonsense with gun control, no Democrat ever knocked on my door asking for any...it never comes up until one of the gun nuts looses control and shoots someplace up so don't use it as a left wing problem. National debt, your making me laugh with that one, you seem to have forgotten two unfunded wars, the NUT BUSH's tax cut to the one percent, big pharma-who BUSH the genius set up so that we couldn't negotiate drug costs and on and on this could go.. so don't tell me who caused the national debt to rise. And Eric, where do we even start with those points, I'll pretend that you are completely in the dark caves of racism, great governor--he won't even win the state and open your eyes and look at what his record really was!! There is one thing I'll agree with the real conservatives.. they never trusted Mittens, they don't trust him now and they will never trust this flip flopper.. no person has ever spoken out of so many sides of their mouth in history.. I'll bet you guys darn near choked listen to him during the third debate.. the neo-cons must have flipped over listening to him.  AGAIN, remove that great symbol from anywhere near his picture, he is not for AMERICAN jobs or workers...unless you like working 6 -10 hours days for $10 an hour with no benefits!!! MAYBE he should run in Switzerland, Cayman Islands or some other place he and the rest of the BAINE boys have it hidden from America... check out what's going on right now with the Sensata plant..and they made 500 million in profits, so do you really think he'll care for your job!! Get over your RACISM men, it's holding you back...and while your at it have the old Mitt release those 2009 tax returns, there's one little box on them that a lot of people would like to look at...

busta biggun

You mean THIS picture?

Or this one?

Or this one?

No thanks,...I will keep them up.

FYI, I could care less if Obama is black. I actually think it is cool that we are open minded enough to elect a minority as a president. It is unfortunate that he happens to be a Socialist, and a liar. Plus he has had four years to fix our economy and it's worse that when he took over. If you want to vote for him go ahead. I doubt you find anybody else on THIS website to agree with you.


Frank, when did I ever say any thing about his race. I was just stating what populous vote for Obama. You still didn't explain to me what he has done. You bring up Bush and the deficit. Well if I am not mistaken wasn't it Obama who said he was going to fix this in his first 4 years. He hasn't. As a matter of fact it has gotten worse. The wars were needed. Tell it to the family's that lost loved ones on 9/11 that Afghanistan was a waste of time. Having fought in Iraq and seeing what Saddam was about I can tell you that it was needed as well. You are welcome to your opinion, but all I am asking you to do is tell me what he has done to get reelected a second term. He will be one of the worst presidents in U.S history in the future and then you can tell your kids that this is the man you voted for.


Quote from: Frankinthelaurels on October 26, 2012, 02:53:23 PM
I paid more money into the social security system in the last 40 years than you've ever made.
Really?  Just curious, where do you get your facts?
If I'm not back in five minutes, wait longer!
BodonkaDeke Prostaff
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Eric Gregg

I think we have all come to the place where we judge people on the content of their character and not their skin color. Thank God we are now in a place where the first African/Caucasian man has been nominated as Commander in Chief. Using the race card against someone because they do not like that person's policies is uncalled for. Isn't all that MLK wanted in the first place is that someone would be judged on their character? Well, here is the facts about Obama's character and then you judge:
More Americans are unemployed today than ever before in the nation's history (it is higher among African Americans)
Recently the administration dropped the ball when we were attacked by terrorists in Benghazi (That was real patriotic the way he handled that)
Lied on National tv during the debate about not calling it a terrorist attack or knowing in full detail what was happening (if you lie, that makes you a liar)
Said that he wouldn't tax the middle class (what did the Supreme Court rule Obamacare as...a TAX)
Who is going to pay for that, the lower income families.....nope...not them. The same folks that pay for everything......the middle class.
Let us not forget the national debt (in the trillions)

Now, use all of this up and ask yourself if you would hire this man to run your business.....
I don't care what color he is as long as he does a good job. Looking and judging by his performance I say he hasn't therefore I am voting to fire him.

By the way, Mitt did release his returns. Where is Barry's College transcript?